Silver Surfer Vaporizers brings you a whole new series of Wave Riders dedicated to the artists who want to share their designs with the world! This Wave Rider was designed by a sick artist known for his rat-rod style, and goes by the name Dmac.
What's in the bag?
Silver Surfer Vaporizer assembled with a hand-made glass Temperature Knob and Heater Cover
Padded Storage Bag made of a durable hemp and polyester blend called "hempster"
Packet of 10 Replacement Screens for your Whip Wand
Glass Whip Mouthpiece
Hand-made glass Whip Wand with Bowl
Stainless Steel Marble Pick
Whip Tubing made of food-grade vinyl
Ceramic Flavor Disc
Aroma Top V3 (aluminum base and glass dish)
1 Review
Awesome design! My best vape ever! Highly recommend!

Black Widow inspired Silver Surfer - SSV - WRS Desktop Vaporizer

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