While desktop vaporizers may not be the most popular type of vaporizer in the forums, they are for sure the vape of choice for the cannabis connoisseur. While many consumers will go with a portable as it works on the go, and at home, a desktop vaporizer is meant for home use. Portable vapes are great, but they can no deliver what a desktop can. As well as you never ever have to worry about batteries going dead in a desktop vape.
Looking for the best vapes for 2020 or the best vapes of 2021? Buckle up, there are quite a few to choose from. We have only selected the top three vapes. These three have stood the test of time and are worthy of comparing. Sit back and enjoy the top three vaporizers of 2021. We are completely biased but, are willing to test the competitors' devices. That sounds like an honest thing to do. Most reviewers are making money off of what they are showing you so we feel they also are biased. While we commend them for working, we need you to know we have purchased these devices to be tested.
We are the place to get desktop vaporizer facts because we make them. The creator Steve is still at it with over 25 years of cannabis consumption and 17 years creating the Silver Surfer Vape. With creations for Willie Nelson, Woody Haralson, Cypress Hill, and Ballyhoo, to name a few, the Silver Surfer is Worldwide. Always staying relevant and up to date is a gift the Silver Surfer has that no other vape can compete with. Let's compare and see who you need to spend your hard-earned cash with this year.
Why are we the place to give you the facts on what is really the best desktop vape? The owner Steve has been using cannabis for over 25 years. He has been making the Silver Surfer for 16 years with people like Willie Nelson and Woody Haralson as some of the proud owners. He is a glassblower, shop owner, and creator of Elev8 University. The Surfer is always upgrading and staying up to date. Let's see why and who is the best desktop vaporizer of 2021 and why you need to know when it comes time to spend your hard-earned money.
How did we come up with our ratings? Well, check our rating guide below. Lets gets started:
Super Surfer and Silver Surfer Vaporizer
Since 2004, the Silver Surfer vaporizer has been a top contender in the vape game. With the addition of the Super Surfer vaporizer to the line of desktops and portables, Elev8 offers more customization and usability than any other vape manufacturer out there. With the Aroma Top for diffusing oils, and the quartz dab dish, the Silver and Super Surfer are a 3 in 1 desktop vaporizer. If you need work to be done, they are right here in the USA. If you need to get them on the horn, they are there 5 days a week. We do believe the Super Surfer is the best desktop vape of 2021.
Extreme Q Vaporizer
Yep, we did put the Extreme above the Volcano. I bet if you see other reviewers it's not like this. Well if you see our scoring and why we did what we did, we are sure you will agree with us. This vape is really a great vape. The price is great for a fully made in China product. They make great products no doubt and you get to always be the judge with your money. This is a great vape and with the low price and glass system, we find it to be a good second. You can always hit up Elev8 to get custom glass for your Extreme desktop vaporizer.
Volcano Classic, Digit & Hybrid Vaporizer
Why do you not see other vapes here?
Well, this is a great question as there are a lot of vapes out there, and probably some really good ones. These in all honesty are some of the longest-running vape companies in the game. Therefore we do feel confident that any one of these units will be worth your money and a good investment in you.
Desktop Vaporizer Rating Guide
This is what we feel people get for their money. We try not to base it on just the cost and do take into account where the device is made and of what materials along with what you get. In life you get what you pay for, but you also have to take into account where it is made. Products made in China will be made with labor about 1/10 the cost of labor in the USA or say Germany. This is just what it is, but we did not really put into account where it was made as value. We feel value is based on materials used, human time that goes into each unit, how universal it works with other things, and how long the unit will last. Our top 3 picks of desktop vape are for sure some of the longest-running vapes in the industry so you can not go wrong with any one of these machines.
Ease or Use
This is how we feel the unit is to use. While there are a lot of parts with a desktop vape, its much like any machine, once you know what the parts are for and how the desktop vaporizer works, well it's pretty straight forward. All these units are a breeze to use, and all have videos out there if you need more guidance.
This is how we feel the user is able to fix their unit when it goes bad. Let's face it, things wear out over time, use, and abuse. To be fair we are biased as we are based out of the USA. So this may or may not mean as much to you. But for the people living in the USA, we say the SSV is the gold standard here. When you take in the fact that you can easily mail in your unit directly to the manufacturer to get it fixed, the SSV wins here. We also feel the SSV has also taken this to another level by offering any part inside for sale with videos on how to fix it at home.
Durability & Stability
This is how we feel the unit is built as well as how easy is it for the cat to knock it over. All units have a nice wide base and we feel they are really good from the cat tipping them over. The Extreme vaporizer is light, you can tell it is made from thin metal and light plastics when you hold it in your hand. The Volcano desktop vaporizer does feel solid and heavy, but plastics can shatter if dropped. We also feel while we do love the stainless steel, it is thin and a hard hit will leave a dent. Not that this will happen to many as it is a desktop vaporizer and one of the best in 2021. The SSV is heavy duty with the housing almost 1/4 inch thick. You would not believe they even shot one with a .223 and .308 to test it, they LIVE!
This is what the machine can call do. While these are all AMAZING vapes and all well worth their money, the SSV come stacked with features the others just do not have like the ability to leave the desktop vaporizer on all day with the aroma top diffusing aromatic oils and scents. With the SSV having more usable features than any other desktop we gave it a 10.
Heat Up Time
This is how long it takes the unit to heat up. They all heat up fairly fast, and even with the Volcano classic and digital as the slowest, we feel it is not a problem at all. You still need to break up your herbs. But, with the ability to leave the SSV on 24/7, essentially it is always ready to vaporize.
How Well Does it Vape Flower
This is what they are built for. We do have to say that they are all amazing and work very well. The only reason we gave the Extreme a lower point here is that the herb falls into the unit when the fan is not working from the design with a smaller bowl compared to the Volcano with the same design. We do love the digital display for dialing in your favorite temperature and works great for bag systems using the same airspeed. But, the issue always comes to play when you are using a whip and the users draw speed. This draw speed has SO much impact in the temperature, as well as if your screen gets clogged it will also affect the temperature from a fan-driven vape. This is one big factor the SSV uses a rotary dial as well as the Classic Volcano. Once you find your spot, you are good to go.
How Well Does It Vape Concentrates
This is crazy. So no one was really vaping concentrates when vapes came out. I mean that is the point of a vape, to vaporize the concentrates of the flower. We like to say vaping is called doing raw dabs for people that only know about dabbing. ANNNY way. We find that if you mix your concentrates into the flower in your desktop vape, that the best way. The oils go where they came from, right to the plant. If you have not tried it, try it, you might like it a lot, we do for sure! The SSV is the only vape that has taken into consideration how dabbing actually works. With the quartz dab dish, the SSV is now an E-banger.
This is simply how you get it. The SSV blows the competition out of the water with its Hempster padded bag. Hand made, the bag is so nice many people use it daily for their camera or other use. The Volcano vaporizer is a really nice box and has some neat packaging, especially the new Hybrid. But again its all a box to be thrown away.
This is the ability to go to the manufacturer and get it customized. Well, the SSV completely destroys the competition. The unit can get any image, you can call and speak with a knowledgeable staff member/blower and get what you want. There is some more attachments for the Extreme but the Volcano has a lot to be desired.
This is where the question is really, do you have to do a lot to maintain these desktop vaporizers of 2021? Nope, they are all pretty easy to deal with. They have screens that are easy to change, and the Volcano has done so much to make it that you can not even maintain it, just throw it in the trash, we do not care for that part but oh well I guess they must say.
This is really what it takes to get going. They all are pretty easy, but if you are not sure, there are so many videos out now to help you along the way.