How To Make Cannabis Chocolate Chip Cookie Edibles The Easy Way
Step 1. Get your favorite dough from the store.
Step 2. Collect enough Duff (already been vaped cannabis) from your Silver Surfer
Step 3. Mix in 1 tsp. up to 1 tbl. of duff per cookie
Step 4. Bake the cookies using the directions on the cookie package
Step 5. When done EAT THEM UP!!!
Thank you guys for checking out another video!
This video is obviously one of my favorite videos so far because I got to make delicious chocolate chip cookies combined with my duff. Everyone loves a cookie. Everyone deserves a cookie. In the latest episode I showed yet again how easy it is to use your duff to make a delicious full spectrum edible without the hassle of oven decarbing or any extra time and effort. I simply took my duff from my duff jar, spread it on to my cookies, or in my cookies, and BAM! I had delicious edibles in no time.
The combination of the duff with the cookies enhanced the flavor but did not over take the taste of the cookies. It actually made it better. It took me no time and it was fun to use different techniques to combine to pair.
I rolled the dough with the duff.
I sprinkled the dough with the dough.
I center filled the dough with duff.
I salt-bae’d the dough with duff.
I did it all, and it was so easy. Which is the best part for me. I need instant gratification, why I love to mow the lawn. So when I want an edible I want it quick and easy. Duff gives me the ability to make a full spectrum edible in no time.
Thank you guys for joining me on the journey to show you why duff is great.