Nathan Adami or Adami Glass is an amazing artist that we had the honor this week of hosting on Elev8 @ 8! Adami started blowing glass in 2005 while attending college at Southern University Carbondale. While studying in their art program one of Adami's classmates mentioned he had a glass studio at his house. Nathan says he's been hooked ever since and the classmate that got him into glass is still in the industry.
or his first year on the torch Adami says he focused mainly on solid work such as marbles and pendants and it wasn't until his second year that he started producing quality functional pipe work. Of all the techniques Adami was practicing at the time, he says that implosions were always his favorite because of their optical quality's and their depth. Today Adami glass is known for his glass renditions of old school metal screen pipes. Please go check out his Instagram over at @adamiglass.