Bangers work by heating up a liquid until it vaporizes. When a liquid reaches its boiling point, it will start to turn to a vapor. Having the banger hot, allows the oils that contain all the goodness of the cannabis plant to vaporizer. The hotter the banger, the faster the oils will vaporizer. Hence why there are hot dabs and low temp dabs and cold start dabs. You will want to find what you like best. If you like flavor and efficiency we feel the cold start dab is the way to go. Once the oils are hot and vaporizing you can inhale them.
Each cannabinoid, flavonoid or terpene will vaporize at a different temperature. The optimal temperature for a perfect dab is 428 degrees fahrenheit. This is when the highest temperature molecule will vaporize such as THCv and CBC. To learn more about the temps and what these cannabis molecules are and can do, see our blog on vape temps.
Using a banger is also really easy. You just need a heat source (torch or enail), a rig to put the banger in, a carb cap and your concentrates. You may also like to have a dab tool. You can either heat your banger then add your wax, or add the wax and heat the banger. The goal is to get the banger hot. Add your carb cap to allow the air to flow over the oils
Bangers are pretty simple in how they work. But what makes them different and what makes them the same? Pretty much any banger these days should be made from quartz. The next thing to note is the thicker the banger the longer it will hold heat. We also suggest a banger large enough for a standard carb cap. All the shapes and what not are up to what you like best.
Some people like to add terp pearls to their banger for more mass to hold heat longer, as well as help spin the oils. We find that a good carb cap is all you really need, unless you want to have more fun and maybe help get a bigger hit. We still find less is more when it comes to inhaling cannabis. The more full breaths you can take with just the right amount of vapor will be more efficient than big giant hits.
Why do you need a carb cap? This has two reasons. The main reason is to help pull the vapor from the oils. Without the carb cap, the air you inhale will basically just ride over the oils, not really helping to bring them up. The carb cap also will reduce the amount of pressure as you inhale. We feel that while this does potentially lower the vaping temperature, the lowering of pressure is not really the main function. For instance water boils at 221 F at sea level, and about 200 F here in Colorado Springs.