For some cannabis users flavor is one of the most important aspects of the cannabis experience, and during those times when you just can't get to your SSV, back-rolling a joint can be an effective way to enjoy the flavor of your cannabis and to minimize the amount of paper smoke that you are inhaling.
To back-roll a joint you first have to start with the paper in the correct position, which may be a bit confusing if you're used to rolling joints using the traditional method. When you first remove a rolling paper from its packaging the adhesive gum is on the upper face of the sheet, running along the edge that is furthest away from you. When you back-roll a joint you need to flip the paper over and then rotate it 180 degrees. When oriented correctly the gum will be on the lower face of the sheet, running along the edge that is closest to you.
The next step is to roll the joint as you would normally, filling the paper with cannabis and then rolling the paper around it, except in this instance the gum will meet the paper just as the paper begins to tuck into itself. Tuck the gum into the corner of the roll and continue to roll the cylinder slightly, but keep track of where the gum is below the second layer.
You will wet the gum by soaking water through the outer layer, so you will need to wet it liberally so it soaks all the way through the first layer and down to the second layer. You can peel the excess paper back to check if the gum is adhering to the paper, if it is not fulling adhering then simply roll it back up and wet it again from the outside.
Once the gum is fully adhered and dry you can peel the excess paper back and remove it with a small blade, or you can burn it off with a lighter. The moist gum will prevent the flame from spreading to the rest of the joint and the excess paper will burn off very quickly leaving a clean seam.
Back-rolling a joint is the best and simplest method for minimizing the amount of paper smoke that you inhale from your joint, and if you care about flavor then this is definitely a technique that you should consider mastering.