Terry Sharp is from Indiana went to Eugene in 1996 and fell in love with the art of glassblowing. After watching a guy blow glass he was hooked. Working for a month as a shop keep, learning the glass he finally gained some skills, and the glass teachers let him go.
In 2001 Terry Sharp glass left Oregon and went back to the mid-west and started to focus on music. The let his glass then lead to his second passion as he loves music and is deep in his soul. At the time of this interview he is working out of a studio in Denver and Indiana. In Denver he is working out of Worms studio.
Terry Sharp glass looks up to the pioneers that started this glassblowing revolution, such as Snodgrass, Brian Kudela, Marcel and the likes.
Learning the fume game really turned Terry Sharp glass into a passion finding the amazing colors. Check out more of Terry Sharp Glass on his instagram.