Silver Surfer Vaporizers brings you a whole new series of Wave Riders dedicated to the artists who want to share their designs with the world! This Wave Rider was designed by the artist Scott Fisk. Scott is a Professional Hot Rod Illustrator from central Vermont that owns and operates an illustration studio called “Studio 669”. Considering the fact that Scott does most of his illustrations’ totally from his fingertips unassisted by computers gives him an “Old School” quality making him a rare commodity.
What's in the bag?
Silver Surfer Vaporizer assembled with a hand-made glass Temperature Knob and Heater Cover
Padded Storage Bag made of a durable hemp and polyester blend called "hempster"
Packet of 10 Replacement Screens for your Whip Wand
Glass Whip Mouthpiece
Hand-made glass Whip Wand with Bowl
Stainless Steel Marble Pick
Whip Tubing made of food-grade vinyl
Ceramic Flavor Disc
Aroma Top V3 (aluminum base and glass dish)

Mr. Yummi inspired Silver Surfer - SSV - WRS Desktop Vaporizer

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