Super Wave Rider Series
The Super Super Elev8ed! We have some super cool artistic vapes made by our in house artits
as well other cool collaborations we have done with out of this world artists!
Connoisseurs pick the Surfer as their go to desktop vape.
Music we feel really makes the world go round! What an honor to collaborate
with these amazing bands.
Connoisseurs pick the Surfer as their go to desktop vape.
The Super Super is a work of art from the glass, the design as well as the powder coat process.
These artists brought the fire to our Surfers!
Super Surfer collaborations that just did not fit into our other categories. We have non profits that when you
buy one, you also help to support the cause, so win-win! Also, hey, we have things we can do, so we do.
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